Nanci Newberry

Nanci Newberry

Nanci Newberry is a registered nurse and has worked in healthcare over 35 years. She has a master’s degree in health education, is currently certified in healthcare quality, patient safety, patient experience, and recently became a board certified patient advocate.

Nanci has worked as Healthcare Quality Improvement Specialist with TMF Health Quality Institute for the past 7 years. She also serves as the Patient and Family Engagement Coordinator for TMF and helps ensure the voice of the Medicare beneficiary is included to help make healthcare more patient and family-centered.


She has led community and organizational efforts to improve care coordination and reduce potentially preventable readmissions. In addition to working in hospital quality and case management departments, Nanci has also worked in mental health, employee wellness, hospice, and at a cardiology clinic and a cancer center. Prior to joining TMF, she worked as a hospital care transitions nurse and helped patients successfully manage their acute and chronic conditions. She enjoys helping people learn what they can do to get the best health outcomes possible.  

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